Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Senate oversight of FAA regulations on Boeing 737

I have concerns that the senate is going to grill the FAA administrator and Boeing about the decision to not ground the Boeing 737 for multiple days, but will not be hearing testimony from foreign aviation administration officials to help understand the differences in process that led to the FAA taking longer. As such, I have written an open letter to the Senate subcommittee on aviation and space that you can view here:!AgmY5dmpT2UftQWjAIh-hYE_aMBP

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

A wedding ceremony

Howdy y'all,

I was the officiator at my brother's wedding ceremony in October, and finally am getting around to posting the service I gave. In the format if it begins with Peter, I (the officiator) said it, lines beginning with Matt were spoken by the groom, and lines beginning with Alexa were spoken by the bride.

Hope you all enjoy - and if you've stumbled on this feel free to lift any part of this you want - as it was itself assembled from multiple sources across the web.

Here's the link to the ceremony as a google doc.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Setting up ctags - automatically for multiple independent projects

Howdy everyone.

For those of you using vim, you'll know that <C-]> will jump to a function definition.
The problem with this is that to jump between files searching for a definition, ctags files must be hanging around somewhere for vim to find them. There are plenty of guides out there to set it up, including the great guide at

Unfortunately, this generates a huge tags file at the root of your projects directory saving references to all of your projects. If the projects are independent this is less than desirable.

This post describes how to set up separate tag trees for all of your projects independently.
Note that this assumes that each project is controlled by its own git repository. This method should be easily extendable to any project structure which has a predictable file/directory at its root and nowhere else in the project (if it's git controlled the .git directory fits this nicely).

We will accomplish this automation through 3 steps

  1. Build a script to generate hidden .tag files
  2. Add instructions to our .vimrc to update tags upon file save
  3. Automatically regenerate the full tag tree via cronjobs
1. Scripting the tag generation

The script can be found in the attached file

The important bits are the following:

for rootdir in $(find "$TOP_DIR" -type d -name '.git'); do
  rootdir_nongit=$(echo $rootdir | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$||');
  for subdir in $(find $rootdir_nongit -type d \( -name '.*'                \
                        -o -name 'ext' -o -name 'doc' -o -name 'docs'       \
                        -o -name 'bin' \) -prune -o -type d -print); do
    cd "$subdir"
    ctags -f .tags --format=2 --excmd=mixed --extra=+q+f --fields=nKsaSmtl *;
  cd $rootdir_nongit
  ctags -f .tags --format=2 --excmd=mixed --extra=+q+f --fields=nKsaSmtl    \
        --file-scope=no -R *;

The TOP_DIR variable merely is a convenience variable to represent the input, which should
be a directory. We then have the outermost loop, which cycles through all directories within $TOP_DIR which have a .git directory, and saves extracts the names of those variables to the rootdir_nongit variable.
The inner loop cycles through all subdirectories of $rootdir_nongit, and drops ctags files into them with the name .tags (because making them hidden prevents them from cluttering the file list for ls).
After all the subdirectories (except for hidden, ext, doc, docs and bin subdirectories) have ctags files created, a giant ctags file with references for the entire project is dropped in at the $rootdir_nongit level (this is the -R option).
You may want to modify the ctags options, see the man page for a complete description.

The attached file also contains a bunch of logging statements, and clears out any empty ctags files.

2. Telling VIM where to find the tag files
The following code should be added to your .vimrc file.

i) Set tags to the .tags file in the directory of the file you're editing
let &tags=expand('%:p:h')."/.tags"

ii) Find the .tags file in the root directory when entering a file
function! Setup_tags ()
  for rootDirs in finddir(".git", expand('%:p:h').";~/Projects",-1)
    if strlen(findfile('.tags',rootDirs[0:-5]))
      let &tags .= rootDirs[0:-5] . ".tags,"
autocmd VimEnter *.* :call Setup_tags()
This function finds the root directory (containing the .git directory, terminating the search for the root directory at the Projects directory), and adds it's .tags file to the list of tags locations to search. The final command outside of the function actually sets up the tags when vim is entered.

iii) Automatically update the tag file upon save
Since ctags is pretty quick, regenerating the tag file is quick and imperceptible, so I just like to regenerate the local .tags file upon file save.
To ensure that tag files are only updated (not generated if they are missing), add the following:
function! Update_tags ()
  if strlen(findfile('.tags', expand('%:p:h')))
    :silent !(cd %:p:h;ctags -f .tags --format=2 --excmd=mixed --extra=+q+f --fields=nKsaSmtl *)&
autocmd BufWritePost * :call Update_tags()
the silent causes this to happen without prompting the user to acknowledge. The cd %:p:h ensures that the .tags file in the directory of the file you are editing gets regenerated - rather than the directory you entered vim from.

NOTE: If the files you work on are extra large, it may be better to just append the changes to the .tags file (which does not remove tags to functions that were deleted - hence the default of just regenerating the whole thing). To append, add the -a flag to the ctags call.

3. Automatically regenerate the .tags files
Automatically running scripts is trivial with the magic of cron. Since we have already created an script, add the following line to your crontab (via crontab -e):
*/30 * * * * ~/ ~/Projects > ~/.local/logs/updateTags.log 2>&1
This line causes the tags to regenerate every half hour (change the 30 to 15 for quarter hour updates, etc). Furthermore, if you are using the linked file with all the logging, all the logged output will be dumped into your ~/.local/logs/updateTags.log file (make sure that the ~/.local/logs file exists before the cron job executes).

Setting up ctags - automatically for multiple independent projects

Howdy everyone.

For those of you using vim, you'll know that <C-]> will jump to a function definition.
The problem with this is that to jump between files searching for a definition, ctags files must be hanging around somewhere for vim to find them. There are plenty of guides out there to set it up, including the great guide at

Unfortunately, this generates a huge tags file at the root of your projects directory saving references to all of your projects. If the projects are independent this is less than desirable.

This post describes how to set up separate tag trees for all of your projects independently.
Note that this assumes that each project is controlled by its own git repository. This method should be easily extendable to any project structure which has a predictable file/directory at its root and nowhere else in the project (if it's git controlled the .git directory fits this nicely).

We will accomplish this automation through 3 steps

  1. Build a script to generate hidden .tag files
  2. Add instructions to our .vimrc to update tags upon file save
  3. Automatically regenerate the full tag tree via cronjobs
1. Scripting the tag generation

The script can be found in the attached file

The important bits are the following:

for rootdir in $(find "$TOP_DIR" -type d -name '.git'); do
  rootdir_nongit=$(echo $rootdir | sed -e 's|/[^/]*$||');
  for subdir in $(find $rootdir_nongit -type d \( -name '.*'                \
                        -o -name 'ext' -o -name 'doc' -o -name 'docs'       \
                        -o -name 'bin' \) -prune -o -type d -print); do
    cd "$subdir"
    ctags -f .tags --format=2 --excmd=mixed --extra=+q+f --fields=nKsaSmtl *;
  cd $rootdir_nongit
  ctags -f .tags --format=2 --excmd=mixed --extra=+q+f --fields=nKsaSmtl    \
        --file-scope=no -R *;

The TOP_DIR variable merely is a convenience variable to represent the input, which should
be a directory. We then have the outermost loop, which cycles through all directories within $TOP_DIR which have a .git directory, and saves extracts the names of those variables to the rootdir_nongit variable.
The inner loop cycles through all subdirectories of $rootdir_nongit, and drops ctags files into them with the name .tags (because making them hidden prevents them from cluttering the file list for ls).
After all the subdirectories (except for hidden, ext, doc, docs and bin subdirectories) have ctags files created, a giant ctags file with references for the entire project is dropped in at the $rootdir_nongit level (this is the -R option).
You may want to modify the ctags options, see the man page for a complete description.

The attached file also contains a bunch of logging statements, and clears out any empty ctags files.

2. Telling VIM where to find the tag files
The following code should be added to your .vimrc file.

i) Set tags to the .tags file in the directory of the file you're editing
let &tags=expand('%:p:h')."/.tags"

ii) Find the .tags file in the root directory when entering a file
function! Setup_tags ()
  for rootDirs in finddir(".git", expand('%:p:h').";~/Projects",-1)
    if strlen(findfile('.tags',rootDirs[0:-5]))
      let &tags .= rootDirs[0:-5] . ".tags,"
autocmd VimEnter *.* :call Setup_tags()
This function finds the root directory (containing the .git directory, terminating the search for the root directory at the Projects directory), and adds it's .tags file to the list of tags locations to search. The final command outside of the function actually sets up the tags when vim is entered.

iii) Automatically update the tag file upon save
Since ctags is pretty quick, regenerating the tag file is quick and imperceptible, so I just like to regenerate the local .tags file upon file save, via the following line:
autocmd BufWritePost * :silent !(cd %:p:h;ctags -f .tags 
                                \--format=2 --excmd=mixed --extra=+q+f 
                                \--fields=nKsaSmtl *)&
the silent causes this to happen without prompting the user to acknowledge. The cd %:p:h ensures that the .tags file in the directory of the file you are editing gets regenerated - rather than the directory you entered vim from.

NOTE: If the files you work on are extra large, it may be better to just append the changes to the .tags file (which does not remove tags to functions that were deleted - hence the default of just regenerating the whole thing). To append, add the -a flag to the ctags call.

3. Automatically regenerate the .tags files
Automatically running scripts is trivial with the magic of cron. Since we have already created an script, add the following line to your crontab (via crontab -e):
*/30 * * * * ~/ ~/Projects > ~/.local/logs/updateTags.log 2>&1
This line causes the tags to regenerate every half hour (change the 30 to 15 for quarter hour updates, etc). Furthermore, if you are using the linked file with all the logging, all the logged output will be dumped into your ~/.local/logs/updateTags.log file (make sure that the ~/.local/logs file exists before the cron job executes).

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Python source distribution with fortran dependencies

This post is intended make crystal clear how to distribute python packages which need to interface with a large fortran library. If you haven't already, you should familiarize yourself with the basics of using numpy.distutils with f2py [f2py-distutils documentation].

Are you back now - and fully understood the docs? Good.

Ideally, one can use f2py directives to eliminate the need for a signature file. What follows below will describe how to coax numpy.distutils into building the shared library WITHOUT having to create a signature file.

A Simple Example

Suppose you have the following Code structure (files and modules are 1 to 1 in this example):

 |    |
 |    |--interface.f08
 |    |--codelogic.f08

codelogic.f08 may contain all sorts of derived types which f2py can't really handle. The interface.f08 file should contain subroutines and functions that contain ONLY arrays and default types (real, complex, integer, etc) within their message signatures (inputs and outputs). So we really want f2py to generate a shared library which accesses the interface module, but ignores the codelogic module.

The magic that makes this happen all occurs within the Extension object, inside an option called f2py_opts. Creating the following will do the trick:
    f2py_opts = [':','forsrc/interface.f08']
So within there will be an Extension object defined as:
    forlib = Extension(name='my_fort_lib',
Toss this into your setup() function, and you should be able to
  import my_fort_lib
inside of

A Deeper Look

Consider the following Extension:
  forlib = Extension(name='my_fort_lib',
                                'foo', 'bar'])
Here's a description of each keyword and what options were provided:

  •   name='my_fort_lib' -> The name of the shared library will be such that python can import my_fort_lib
  •   sources=[...] -> the fortran source files
  •   extra_f90_compile_args=[...] -> options passed to the compiler. -ggdb and -gbacktrace enable debugging and backtrace flags for the gcc compilers
  •   libraries -> libraries the linker needs to link against. m is the standard math library
  •   f2py_opts -> the options to pass to f2py
    • ':' -> the following items in the list become the only source files f2py uses when constructing the library. This terminates when another option is found in the list.
    • 'skip:' -> the following items in the list are skipped when constructing the library. These should be subroutine and function names.
    • 'foo', 'bar' -> subroutine names not exposed to the shared library available to python                  

Friday, May 1, 2015

An easy way to create a well formatted Journal/Diary

Ever wanted to start journaling your journey through life in a journal or diary?

I decided it would be a good idea, but had the following 2 issues:
1) writing it out by hand is a pain - keyboards are how I interact with the written world.
2) just jotting stuff down in a text or word file looks shabby.

So I fixed those 2 problems. I made a LaTeX document for which you can add an entry by simply typing make newEntry - then start recording your story from that day. Then whenever you feel that you want to read everything in a pretty format, type make and a well formatted PDF pops out that you can read through at your leisure.

Here's a fictional example with a couple of entries so you can see the format:

You'll note that the journal is divided into chapters. These can be set to whatever you like - an easy way to divide your life into successive stages for easy review in the future.

If you like the format, I have created a script which will generate everything needed to make your own Journal. Here's a link to the script:

Usage instructions (You need BASH. Linux [yes] and Mac [presumably]. Windows would take some work to set up):
1) Download
2) move to a new directory (not necessary, but its going to generate a lot of extra files which you probably don't want cluttering up anywhere else)
3) open a terminal, navigate to the directory, and run chmod +x
It will prompt you for a title and your name.
Everything should now be set up - the README has instructions at this point.
4) type make newStage into the terminal - it will prompt you for a stage name (chapter title)
5) type make newEntry into the terminal - it will spit out a file location where you can record today's experiences - just open it with your favorite text editor and look for the '%start here' lines
6) repeat steps 4 and 5 (step 4 should be used rarely, whereas step 5 is ~daily) until you die

To view your journal:
1) navigate to the directory and type make into your terminal
2) open the generated PDF in your favorite PDF viewer

To get fancy with what you can include in your journal, check out the LaTeX Wikibook.

LaTeX Newbies: The important thing to note is that a new paragraph is only started if you leave a blank line. All lines between blank lines will be formatted into a single paragraph. So be feel to start all your sentences on consecutive lines, as it won't look weird in the final document.

Please note that this assumes that your environment has LaTeX and GNUMake installed on it.
Most Linux distros come with GNUMake, and LaTeX should be easy to find in your package repository. For Mac - you're on your own. But it shouldn't be too difficult.

Note: running this and just adding some empty stages and entries should provide a quick example of one way to organize a large multifile LaTeX document.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Open letter to congress on the renewal of the Patriot Act

Good morning congresspeople,

I am writing to emphasize the serious concerns arising due to the upcoming renewal of the Patriot act (due for renewal on June 1). Specifically, I would like to emphasize concerns with section 215. I find it incredibly broadly worded, and am worried about the consequences - especially concerning the privacy of US citizens.

In the upcoming process to renew it, please work with your congressional colleagues to eliminate this section, and replace it with specific enumerated powers for the NSA with regards to data collection. I strongly feel that those powers should be minimal. Ideally this would mean that they could not collect data without a warrant for data pertaining to a specific individual.

Even if the surveillance powers need to be much broader, I still urge you to work to enumerate such powers specifically rather than leave a broadly worded statement in the law.

Thank you for your time,
Peter Solfest